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Plans for 2024 ExpertSender Email Marketing Platform (EMP)


Use knowledge about your customers to deliver timely and highly relevant messages. Sell more and build an intimate relationship with them.

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ready-to-use templates


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Join over 1000+ satisfied brands.

Live tracking

Track customer behavior in real time

Learn who your customers are, what they like and what they are looking for to target them with highly relevant personalized campaigns.

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Website personalization

Display personalized content on your website

Easy-to-use email message editor

Build engaging marketing communication in seconds with our intuitive tool or easily adjust one of our ready-to-use templates – no coding skills necessary!

Integration support

Use our professional support to integrate ExpertSender Customer Data Platform with whatever system you use hassle-free – no coding required on your end!

“Thanks to engaging the subscribers with customized content and the automation of communication with clients in the lifecycle, we were able to turn our new sub-brand project into a resounding success. Choosing ExpertSender has been the best decision we could make.”

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Success story

CTR and CVR increased by over 30% thanks to marketing automation

Learn how our client, coffee e-commerce MK Fresh, increased their click-through rate and conversion rate by over 30% using our marketing automation.

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About Us

We cut our teeth on marketing automation


years of experience



served brands



Experts creating our team