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Put your customers first with
wishlist tracking

Understand their wants, tailor your approach, and boost sales. Leverage wishlist data for personalized experiences.

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higher overall sales among wishlist users


higher average order value for wishlist-based purchases


higher purchase rate for wishlisted items

Elevate customer experience using wishlist traking

Understand your customers’ desires

Use wishlist data to understand what products resonate most, enabling you to enhance their shopping experience with timely reminders for wishlist items. This insight-driven approach helps drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Hyper-personalize customer interactions

Analyze wishlist tracking data to identify popular products and trends, creating precise marketing automation scenarios, such as price-drop notifications or tailored promotions.
By leveraging insights from wishlist activity, you can build personalized email campaigns and strategic customer segmentation, enhancing the reach and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Convert saved items into orders

Use insights from wishlist tracking to understand customer preferences and recommend complementary or upgraded products. This data-driven recommendation strategy can increase average order value and encourage wishlist users to complete their purchases.


Wishlist tracking enhances your e-commerce strategy

How do wishlists contribute to increasing average order value (AOV)?

Wishlist users often engage with more products than the average customer, leading to higher AOV. By analyzing wishlist activity, you can recommend complementary products or upgrades, enticing customers to add more items to their carts. Customers are also more likely to purchase multiple items that match their saved preferences, increasing their total order value by as much as 16%​.

How does wishlist tracking help personalize the customer experience?

Wishlist tracking gives real-time insights into customer preferences, even if they don’t make an immediate purchase. Analyzing wishlist tracking data allows you to tailor communications, such as personalized product recommendations, price-drop alerts, and restock notifications, improving customer satisfaction and engagement. Personalization based on wishlist tracking can increase conversion rates by up to 3 times compared to non-wishlist users​.

Can wishlist data help with marketing automation?

Absolutely. Wishlist tracking data powers automated marketing actions, such as targeted emails for price drops, or promotions related to wishlist items. Automated "back-in-stock" notifications for wishlisted items can increase purchase by 30%, as customers are promptly informed of relevant changes.

What is the role of price-drop notifications in wishlist tracking?

Price-drop notifications tied to wishlist items are an effective way to drive conversions. Studies show that customers who receive these notifications are 60% more likely to act on a purchase compared to those who don’t. This strategy capitalizes on the "waiting" period while a customer decides to buy.

Can wishlist data help forecast trends and customer demand?

Yes, analyzing wishlist tracking data reveal future trends. By identifying popular wishlist items, businesses can better forecast demand, optimize inventory, marketing campaigns, and product launches. This proactive approach ensures that popular items are in stock and ready for purchase, reducing the risk of lost sales due to inventory shortages​.