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Product - Communicate - SMS

Deliver your message instantly with
SMS campaigns

Deliver SMS messages straight to your customers' mobile phones for instant engagement. No internet or email required, just effective communication that boosts conversions and drives sales.

Try Expertsender


Open Rate: SMS messages boast unparalleled visibility — your communication is guaranteed to be seen and acted upon

Key information about the SMS channel:

Direct and immediate reach

SMS messages are delivered straight to your customers’ mobile phones within seconds, ensuring your communication is timely
and relevant.

No internet or email required

Engage with segments of your market that are not responsive to email or online advertising, maximizing your outreach.

High engagement via personalization

Tailor your messages using dynamic fields, such as names, purchase history, or special offers, to create a personal connection that drives action.

Seamless integration and automation

Easily incorporate SMS into your existing workflows and systems without complex setups.

What advantages does SMS have over other communication channels?

Ideal for time-sensitive messages

For flash sales, appointment reminders, or critical alerts, SMS ensures your message is received and read almost immediately, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

High deliverability

Unlike other messaging methods that may be caught in spam filters, SMS messages are delivered directly to the recipient's inbox, ensuring your message isn't lost or overlooked.

Easy opt-in process

Customers can easily subscribe to your SMS updates by sending a simple keyword or entering their phone number. This ease of opt-in process encourages more subscribers and expands your reach.

Integration with other channels

Combine SMS with email and web push notifications to reinforce your message across multiple touchpoints. This integrated approach enhances campaign effectiveness and customer experience.